Monthly Archives: May 2018

Listening to Voices of Women with Disabilities

Two young women with disabilities in Kampala, Uganda shared a story about their wish to find love against what they felt were the odds, “A woman with a disability is often taken advantage of by a ‘part-time man’ who violates you at night and leaves secretly in the morning. She may feel that the

Nothing for Us without Sign Language

In Rwanda, deaf children who do not have a way to communicate do not attend school and are hidden and isolated from their community. As adults, deaf Rwandans are not able to participate and vote because political campaign and voting information are inaccessible to them and are being left behind. According to the World

Disability Inclusion & Indigenous Values

Voices of persons with disabilities in the rural island villages of the Pacific rarely reach the capital where treaties are ratified and decisions on policies and budgets are made. The bureaucratic nuances of these national governmental actions are often lost to those in the rural areas. Fiji ratified the Convention on the Rights of

Designing Barrier-free Environments

Persons with physical disabilities struggle to navigate the environment in Uganda, due to a variety of physical barriers to walkways, roads and buildings. These barriers make it difficult to reach public services, and make accessing basic rights such as education and healthcare unnecessarily difficult. According to Apollo Mukasa , the Executive Director of Uganda

Climate Adaptation & Resilience

Through storytelling and song, Kiribati DPO, Te Toa Matoa reaches out to traditional elders, persons with disabilities, and others in the remote outer islands in the Pacific to educate them about including persons with disabilities in disaster risk reduction. Back to "Voices"

Fighting Stigma Against Persons with Albinism

Swift significant progress for persons with albinism in Malawi— and still so far to go prevent them from fully enjoying rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which Malawi ratified in 2009, are removed. Violence against persons with albinism in

Inclusion & Human Rights for All

We’ve started to tackle the most important thing in our life, which is our rights as a human being, our rights to be recognized as a person in front of law. -Yeni Damayanti Yeni Rosa Damayanti is a fierce and visionary advocate for persons with psychosocial disabilities and is also a women’s rights activist.

Tragedy Catalyzes Cooperation

In many parts of the world, people with disabilities face barriers to full participation in society. In some places, having a disability puts them in physical danger. In Haiti, many persons with disabilities are still isolated and excluded, especially those facing multiple layers of discrimination (disability, age, gender). High levels of poverty among women

Strengthening Climate Resilience

Bangladesh is more exposed to tropical cyclones than any other country in the world. These cyclones cause devastating floods and economic disruption. Nearly 20 million people live in poverty in the coastal region, a fragile delta that is impacted by rising sea levels, soil and river salinity as a result of climate change. Persons

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