Disability Rights Fund

Opening Spaces for Advocacy

Better & More Funding

State of Philanthropy

DRF advocates with funders to activate new, more and better funding for disability movements. Funders must confront their ableism and systems of exclusion by resourcing disability movements that are strengthening cultures of accessibility and inclusion. Funding must also be intersectional, recognizing how intersecting identities exacerbate structural inequities, violence and discrimination against persons with disabilities. Lastly, philanthropy must recognize the expertise and leadership of disability rights advocates on intersecting issues, such as climate and gender justice, just livelihoods, inclusive education, youth and LGBTQI + rights to name a few.

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships is a funding stream that promotes movement building, addresses intersectional and emergent issues that are relevant for the disability movement in DRF target countries and beyond. Strategic partnerships capitalize opportunities for mutual learning between DRF and partners and advocacy to drive change together on new and evolving issues pertinent to disability movements.